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& Publications


These are small, often “personal positions” or “visions” about a topic related to Digital Healthcare Systems or technologies. Writting now on National Health Cybersecurity Policies and Strategy 

Peer-review publications

I have authored and co-authored several publications in peer-reviewed journals. If you would like to know them, use my ORCID profile ( - details of all 40 publications. If u like some full text versions if these are not available online as free access please let me know, via contact me. 

My research profile is also at Research Gate.

Book Chapters
& Dissertations

Contact me for my dissertation materials and book chapters

Relevant Reports right now


& Publications &...


These are small, often “personal positions” or “visions” about a topic related to Digital Healthcare Systems or technologies. 

The KIWI concept - check more here (concepts) and on my facebook and go to my recent opinion article in English, Portuguese and Cantonese or click here for the Mandarin Version, which starts:


or Japanese Version, which starts:


Peer-review &
other publications

National Health Cybersecurity 

Policies and Strategies in a Global Context 


NEW Policy Paper on CyberSecurity





This paper aims to explore the specificities of information security and cybersecurity risks in the health sector, pointing out to the need for specific policies, strategies and governance, both at national and international levels. It details health cybersecurity context and what are the peculiar risks and challenges in securing health cyberspace. It uses the Portuguese example to illustrate national level most relevant issues, the policies, strategy and governance adopted and how it established existing international collaboration mechanisms. It explores why and how individualized National Health Cybersecurity Policies and Strategies (NHCPS) make sense and could benefit from being conceived and deployed. Lastly, it analyses existing international cooperation in the area of health cybersecurity and advances alternative suggestions within the scope of existing inter-governmental organizations, including the eventual role of UN, WHO, or even NATO in this, increasingly important field of national and international defence – the health cyberspace.


Click here to download the full PDF 


Digital Healthcare Systems, Now more than ever    

NEW paper on Digital Healthcare Systems and the story of eHealth in Portugal. Read my most recent paper in HealthManagement.Org Journal

Tele-Leaders are us? Social workplace - Working paper


This paper will explore the concept of tele-leadership. It equally succinctly presents the concept of TVOs (Total Virtual Organizations). How do tele-leader differ from non-teleleader is object of superficial analysis. A deeper understanding of space and place typologies is sought and how leader can see social workplace and move in this dimension is outlined as a critical capacity in tele-leaders. Click here to read the full paper (PDF)

Feel free to comment, send questions, contributes...

Comparing healthcare systems:

considering Japan and Portugal

Ana N. Barata, Yasuharu Tokuda, Henrique M.G. Martins

Recovering a paper published in 2012 relevant now as COVID-19 stressed the discussion on Healthcare systems reform in Portugal and in the EU. 

(Full text at: )


I have authored and co-authored several publications in peer-reviewed journals. If you would like to know them, use my ORCID profile ( - details of all 40 publications. If u like some full text versions if these are not available online as free access please let me know, via contact me. 

Book Chapters
& Dissertations

Contact me for my dissertation materials and book chapters

Relevant Reports right now

If you are worried with COVID-19 mHealth Apps I suggest you read, eHealth Network material on the Tool kit - click to access the PDF -

My presentations...and other material...

Inspired in Camões (greatest of all Portuguese Poets),

I give you my:


Ode to tele-health and tele-life 


"When near seem far,

when far seem near"

- said Sun Tsu

but with no fear

I tel(e) you...




And tele-transportation

But tel us:

are we prepared

to tele-life fuss?

do we dare?


New social space

and rethinking of place

will be key

to tele-you to me

Social places of networks

or regions are theories

now possible through IT.

but ethic worries

and law gaps

make us fear, perhaps?


tele-medicine saves lives

tele-health expands it

tele-life from our hives...

finally, we no longer meet


no face2face with humankind... 

would you really don't mind?


Henrique Martins,

Portugal, 11 June 2020



in English:

At the CONNECT UNIVERSITY - European Commission (23rd Sept 2020):

my presentation on DigitalPatients DigitalProfessionals and Data:

In PorTuguese:

If you can listen to Portuguese here is my presentation (slides in English) about #DigitalPoweredPatients at #CampusParty july 2020 - Palco New Horizons #CPDigitalPortugal


I have added a link to my presentation at the EU Health Programme High Level Conference 

click here to watch in facebook 















And a link of a relevant interview at Vitalis conference 2019 in Sweden (where eHealth is eHälso) 

I have posted my presentation on eHealth Portugal and EU perspectives at

BIOSTEC in Praha 2019 - (fell free to share

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