& do it
eHealth Strategy development and follow-up.
There are multiples reports from WHO, OECD, EU, HIMSS, and other reputable international sources that will tell you WHY you need to go forward in Digital Health. There are some which may tell you WHAT you should strive for and achieve. Too few will tell you HOW. I can go with you, and make sure you can continue to go on your OWN.
Creating a national eHealth strategy is a challenge. But some important aspects can be anticipated and serve as a basis to read the reports and existing advice, as well as engagement frameworks exist to ensure all stakeholders can be encouraged to participate.
Having prepared Portugal's National eHealth strategy, as well as the National Tele-health strategy (read more in the OECD paper, pag 40 - Telemedicine promotion through governance: an example from Portugal) and followed EU countries strategies development through the eHAction Joint Action (www.ehaction.eu) I have experience on how to balance between Ministerial view, Industry go-to-market needs, and digital health users and entusiasts.